“Don’t let the person who hurt your heart mess up the One sent to heal it! #letitgo”, Paula White.
2019, Paula White facebook fan page.
Matthew 5:22 says that in God’s eyes being angry with someone in our hearts is the same as murdering them.
We all know that do not murder is in the big Ten Commandments.
By remaining angry towards someone, we give satan a way (aka: open door) to creep into our lives. It’s only by the grace of God that he doesn’t take us out. Don’t ever forget that that is his ultimate goal.
Anger can steal our joy, take away our fun and steal our opportunities. Anger makes us bitter, struggle with vain imaginations, and can literally drive us crazy.
Forgiveness is so critical … it boils down to life and death; spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Many of us suffer with ailments whose root is unforgiveness.
Unforgiveness is rooted in pride.
It has the potential to steal, destroy and kill us. It’s vital that we choose to forgive those who have wounded us, whether it was intentional or unintentional. I realize that some of us have been severely wounded by betrayal, but there are no exceptions to the command that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves and that means forgiving everyone who has ever hurt us.
God’s grace will enable us to do this, if we lean on it, rely on Him, depend on, have faith in and believe in Him to do it.
Our sins are literally not forgiven unless we forgive others.
Choose today who you will serve. Choose life or chose death. Either way, it’s your decision and regardless of which we choose, we will reap the consequences of that decision. I appeal to you, to choose life and life abundantly. Let it go. #EmbracetheJourney. It’s time to move on, be healed, and fulfill your God given destiny. God loves you more than we’ll ever likely completely be able to comprehend and He’s got a good plan to prosper you and to give you hope. Let His love cover and heal those wounds.
Lord, help us to forgive those who have wounded us and give us the courage we need in order to go to them, if it’s your perfect will to do so. We thank you for your grace, for forgiving us of all of our sins and that you throw them as far as the east is from the west and remember them no more. We thank you that your grace is sufficient and that we can do all things through you, who make us strong when we are weak. Thank you for your amazing, extravagant, and relentless love. Help us to understand it more today than ever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
If you’re new here, WELCOME! I’m really honored that so many people are signing up to receive my blog … actually shocked, but really grateful. I apologize that there appears to be no comment button. We’re trying to get one put in, however if you simply hit return after entering your comment, I’m pretty sure it will come through. Yes, I’m screening them. This is not a place for controversy and drama. I’ve learned to have very strong boundaries over the years, not just to protect my emotional health, but those who are trusting me to be in their sphere of influence. This blog’s purpose is to be a safe place for encouragement, spiritual enlightenment, growth and healing. I hope to inspire you to walk in the fullness of your destiny and to encourage you in the lavish love our Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ.
If you’d like to connect with me to do bible studies together, I’m on YouVersion. I’m hosting a free online art class now every Tuesday 9-10am EST through a closed group on facebook, Art With Julie Academy. Feel free to send me a DM for the password. I’m posting daily on my instagram, twitter and facebook fanpage, JulietheArtist. Check out the stories for the latest in creations from my art studio and day to day activities around the ranch. I’d love to connect with you. If you need prayer, please don’t hesitate to contact me! If you’re an intercessor and feel called to pray for my husband and I and all that God has entrusted to us, please send a request to join our closed facebook group, Beauty From Ashes™ Ministries Prayer Team.
Above all, know that you’re, loved, valued, and cherished, and that your life has a very special place in the purposes of God! If you’re holding onto unforgiveness, LET IT GO! God will enable you to do, if you allow Him to. He’ll turn the ashes of your life into beauty, if you allow Him to. But it’s on His terms, not ours! We simply gotta trust and obey.
In His lavish love and amazing grace,
Forgiveness, Matthew West (video)
Stand in Your Love, Bethel Music and Josh Baldwin (video)
25 So Discard every form of dishonesty and lying so that you will be known as one who always speaks the truth, for we all belong to one another.
26 But don’t let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don’t let anger control you or be fuel for revenge, not for even a day. 27 Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!
Ephesians 4:25-27 TPT
Confidence and strength flood the hearts of the lovers of God who live in awe of Him, and their devotion provides their children with a place of shelter and security. To worship God in wonder and awe opens a fountain of life within you, empowering you to escape death’s dominion.
Proverbs 14:26-27 TPT
22 But I’m telling you, if you hold anger in your heart toward a fellow believer, you are subject to judgment. And whoever demeans and insultsc] a fellow believer is answerable to the congregation. And whoever calls down curses upon a fellow believer is in danger of being sent to a fiery hell.
Matthew 5:22 TPT
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