Hurricane Irma changed our lives forever. Not only did we experience a category 2 eye that dissolved completely on the back side (typically the most destructive part) as it hit us, but we had our in laws with us while it was passing and for several days afterwards, during which we had no electricity or running water. When the storm cleared we asked them if they wanted to move in with us, to which they happily said ‘yes’, with Steve’s mom agreeing with no hesitation.
Her husband, Andy, is 89, soon to be 90 and she clearly needs help with him.
It’s the right thing to do.
It’s what family is supposed to do for once another.
It’s the biblical thing to do.
So, November 1st, they will be moving in with us on our 5 acre ranch, where we have 8 horses, a cow, 3 dogs, 10 chickens, & about 20 fish.
Since we took them home, everyday includes preparing for the move in. I can hardly believe it some days. Mostly, I’m excited and very grateful that God has given me so much grace to do this. Sometimes it hits me and I think “what are we doing?!?”
Regardless, we press on. Steve went down to where they currently live now (1 1/2 hours South) and brought back what was supposed to be furniture. Instead it was about 15 cardboard boxes with items that are what’s left of their cherished memories. Even though much of it was not what I picked out that could stay … they are here and I have the task of unpacking them. We still have boxes in the garage we’ve never unpacked since we relocated here over 3 years ago.
Hard to believe over 15 years ago, one of the things I longed for most was a close family. Not only have Steve, Jesus in the flesh, and I been married 14+ years now, but I can’t believe how many of my dreams and secret petitions of my heart that God has blessed me with.
After all, I’ve wanted a close family. Now I get to experience it first hand, at the age of 53, having held a Masters degree for over 4 years now, I’ll be adding to my list of expeiences, “caretaker”.
I know it’s a part of the calling God has for me for such a time as this, and I intend to embrace the journey.
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